Boards & Committees


Contact Information

  • Location: 62 East Main Street, Denmark, ME 04022
  • Phone: (207) 452-2163
  • Fax: (207) 452-2333

Select Board

The Select Board is the executive governing body of the Town of Denmark and consists of three elected officers. Each board member is elected to a three year term.

The chair of the Select Board is decided among the members each June and presides over meetings.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SELECT BOARD The Select Board , as the governing body within the Town of Denmark, are responsible for the general well being of the citizens of the Town. The Select Board, also Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, establish policy within the Town while providing public leadership. Select Board also supervise the Town Manager who directs the daily operations of the municipal government.

Regular meetings of the Select Board are held the second and last Tuesday of the month in the Municipal Building starting at 6:00 PM. Any changes in times or locations are posted prior to the meeting.

Select Board meeting videos on Lake Region TV click here.

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Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month as necessary.

  • Nathan Holbert, Vice Chair (2026)
  • Frank Holcomb (2025)
  • Brandon McKenney (2027)
  • Vacant (2025)
  • Vacant (2026)
  • Vacant (2027)

The Select Board have had a difficult time finding members for the 7 member Board of Appeals, and there is currently 2 vacancy. They are allowed to appoint non-residents, and will use the criteria of a non-resident who owns property in Denmark or operates a business here. Those interested should email the Town Manager at:

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Broadband Committee

The Denmark Broadband Committee is gathering information from residents and businesses through surveying, mapping and testing Internet speeds to help us understand the service currently available and where and how it needs to be improved. We are advocates for fast, flexible, affordable and reliable Internet service for all residents and businesses in our town.

The Committee conducted a survey from October to May, 2021. Thank you to all who shared your thoughts on broadband in Denmark. Your responses will provide the basis for next steps to meet the future needs for Internet service in the Denmark area. Please click here to view the results of the survey.

Eastern Slopes Regional Broadband (ESRB)

Is a coalition serving the towns of MSAD#72, which includes Brownfield, Denmark, Fryeburg, Lovell, Stoneham, Stow, and Sweden. The group was formed following an initial investigation into the challenges of upgrading broadband services by the town of Denmark. Research showed that providers would have better ability to offer efficient proposals for building infrastructure and providing services for a larger population and geographic area. The school district, with its existing connections and affinities between the municipalities, offers an easily defined territory that offers both proximity and common interests. ESRB has a committee made up of volunteers and municipal leaders from all of the member towns. Subcommittee work in communications, grant writing, community engagement, and other tasks is moving forward with representation from each town.

For more information on meeting dates and information click here.

  • James Ritter, Resident, Committee Chair
  • William Findeisen, Resident/Business Owner
  • Jeremy Hammer, MSAD 72 School Representative, Technical Consultant
  • Nathaniel Karns, Community Planner/Part-time Resident
  • Amy March, Library Representative
  • Michael Stacy, Selectboard Representative
  • Christopher Wentworth, Fire Chief, Business Representative
  • Betty LeGoff, Town Manager (non-voting Town representative)

Click here to view Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes

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Budget Committee

The Budget Committee meets with the Denmark Town Manager and Board of Selectmen to help prepare the annual municipal budget. Budget Committee members provide feedback on the Town Manager’s proposed budget. The Budget Committee also provides recommendations on warrant articles at the annual town meeting in June that require financial commitments.

  • Sean Watson, Chair (2023)
  • Michael Berube (2023)
  • Nathan Holbert (2024)
  • Lee Ann Shand, Secretary (2024)
  • Rusty Stacy (2025)
  • Luke Allocco (2025)
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Comprehensive Plan Committee

The Comprehensive Plan represents the Town’s visions and goals in terms of community development and once approved dictates future policy in terms of land use, recreation, housing, transportation, resource protection and any other areas covered under the plan.

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Conservation Committee

The Denmark Conservation Commission was created by the Denmark Selectmen in 2006. Our charge is to protect and improve public access to waterbodies and undeveloped land, to protect wildlife habitat, and to minimize the detrimental effects of suburban sprawl. Our role is strictly advisory, not regulatory.

Perly Mills Community Forest Map

We have been involved in hands-on projects, such as rerouting and improving the public access to Pleasant Pond (we worked in close collaboration with the Denmark Road Department and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife on this). We have created maps showing protected lands in Denmark, and public access sites to waterbodies, and participated in the Greenprint mapping project for this region. We have also assisted the Planning Board in their review of proposed subdivisions.

Denmark has the good fortune of being at the overlap of service areas of two local land trusts- Loon Echo Land Trust and Upper Saco Valley Land Trust.

We have worked closely with both organizations on several projects. For more information about these organizations, please click on the links at the bottom of this page.

Our current project is the Perley Mills Community Forest. Loon Echo Land Trust has been an essential partner in this project. For more information, click on the Perley Mills Community Forest link in the sidebar to the left on this page.

Anyone with questions or concerns pertaining to conservation in Denmark is welcome to contact us.

  • Terry Rhoads, Chair -
  • Kirk McDermith , Select Board Representative
  • Dianne Lewis, Graphics Consultant
  • Bonnie Marsh
  • Katie Dunn
  • Nathan Holbert
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Planning Board

The Planning Board reviews and decides all development proposals in Denmark as required by the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Board is also tasked with revising Denmark’s Zoning Ordinance and providing consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Board meets the last Thursday of each month as necessary.

For Planning Board Applications click here.

For Planning Board Public Notices click here.

For Planning Board Site Visit Minutes click here.

  • Thomas Carabine, Chairman (2027)
  • Laurie Kruczek, Vice Chairman (2027)
  • William Sanborn ( 2026)
  • Laurie LaMountain (2025)
  • Joseph Wightman (2025)
  • Betsy Schneider (2027)
  • Amy Imdieke (2025)
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Tax-Acquired Property Committee

The Committee to Assist the Selectmen in the Disposal of Tax Acquired Property is conveyed in the event of property foreclosure due to unpaid taxes. The committee will meet with the Board of Selectmen and assist them in any sale, transfer, or reclamation of said property.

  • Michael Berube (2022)
  • Paul Kiesman, Jr (2022)
  • Butch Stacy (2022)
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